DDAL09-01 Escape from Elturel (Tier 1)

Role-Playing Game | D&D Adventurers League | 3 - 7 players

Convention: MythCon 2019
Start Time: Saturday - 10:00 AM
End Time: Saturday - 2:00 PM
Gamemaster: George Ramos
Location: Montreal Masonic Memorial Temple
Room: Adventurers League HQ
Age Requirement: Teen (13+)
Language: English

Damnation! The Companion that once stood as a beacon of hope and goodness above the city of Elturel has been extinguished and the entire city—along with its denizens—have been drawn into Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells! While those fortunate enough to have been outside of the city’s walls during its departure have been spared that fate, but they’re not yet out of danger! The refugees formed a caravan bound for the nearby city of Baldur’s Gate. Can you keep them safe from devils, bandits, and one another until they reach safety? Adventure Designer: Rich Lescouflair Format: 4 adventures at 1 hour each Level Range: 1-4 (optimized for 1st level) Note: You will need a D&D Adventurers League legal character — please visit https://dndadventurersleague.org/start-here/playing/ for more information. If you don't wish to bring or create your own, lots of pre-generated characters will be available at MythCon.